Security Strategies
Why External Attack Surface Management and Penetration Testing are a Perfect Pair
Robin Hill
October 16, 2024
As organisations' digital footprints expand, relying solely on periodic penetration testing is no longer enough to ensure robust security. External Attack Surface Management (EASM) complements penetration testing by providing continuous monitoring and a comprehensive view of the organisation’s exposed assets. Together, these two approaches ensure that vulnerabilities are discovered and addressed in real-time, while also benefiting from the deeper insights offered by manual penetration tests. By adopting both, organisations can move from a reactive to a proactive security strategy, ensuring that their defences keep pace with the ever-changing threat landscape.

In the constantly evolving world of cybersecurity, no single tool or approach can be relied upon to cover all bases. Organisations need a multi-layered approach to security that combines the strengths of different methodologies. Traditionally, penetration testing has been a cornerstone of an organisation’s cybersecurity strategy. However, with the growth of digital assets and the complexity of today’s digital landscapes, External Attack Surface Management (EASM) has emerged as a crucial complementary practice. Together, these two approaches can form a more complete, robust defence against modern cyber threats.

The Growing Complexity of Attack Surfaces

The way businesses operate has changed dramatically over the past few years, with digital transformation, remote working, and cloud adoption leading the charge. As a result, organisations now have a far more complex and sprawling digital footprint than ever before. Your "attack surface" includes all publicly accessible assets, including web applications, APIs, cloud infrastructure, and even exposed databases or misconfigured servers. It's essentially anything that could be a target for malicious actors.

While penetration testing has been a trusted method for finding vulnerabilities within specific systems, the scale and complexity of modern attack surfaces make it difficult to capture the full picture through traditional means alone. This is where External Attack Surface Management comes into play, providing continuous monitoring and a broader understanding of an organisation’s exposed assets.

What is External Attack Surface Management?

EASM is a cybersecurity practice that focuses on identifying, managing, and reducing risks across an organisation’s entire external-facing digital footprint. It provides real-time visibility into your internet-exposed assets, including areas that might not even be on your radar. Often, companies aren’t fully aware of the breadth of their attack surface—especially when shadow IT, forgotten web services, or third-party vendor connections are involved.

EASM tools continuously scan and map out these assets, monitoring for potential vulnerabilities, misconfigurations, and weak points that could be exploited by attackers. This continuous approach provides a dynamic view of the external environment, something that traditional security measures often overlook.

The Role of Penetration Testing

Penetration testing, on the other hand, is a well-established technique where ethical hackers simulate real-world attacks to identify vulnerabilities. Penetration testing offers a manual and deep dive into specific systems, identifying weaknesses that may not be visible through automated scanning tools. Pentesters apply creative thinking and real-world knowledge to exploit weaknesses that automated tools might miss, offering insights into how an attacker could navigate through an organisation’s defences.

However, penetration testing is often conducted on a scheduled, periodic basis—perhaps quarterly or annually. The obvious challenge here is that any new vulnerabilities that emerge between tests might not be detected or mitigated until the next test. This leaves a critical gap in protection, especially in the fast-changing environment of today’s cyber landscape.

Complementary Strengths: Why Both are Necessary

Rather than viewing External Attack Surface Management and penetration testing as competing strategies, it’s more useful to think of them as complementary tools that work best when used together.

1. Continuous Monitoring Meets Targeted Expertise: EASM provides continuous, automated monitoring, giving organisations the ability to detect emerging vulnerabilities and newly exposed assets as they arise. It operates in real-time, ensuring the attack surface is under constant scrutiny. Penetration testing, on the other hand, goes deeper, allowing human testers to uncover complex vulnerabilities that automated systems may miss. When used together, EASM ensures there is always a baseline of protection, while penetration testing provides the deeper insights required to address more intricate threats.

2. Wider Scope Meets In-Depth Analysis: Penetration testing is often scoped to focus on specific systems or applications. This can be highly effective, but it means that anything outside of that scope is left unchecked. EASM, however, offers a more holistic view of the entire attack surface, including assets that may not be officially recognised or tracked internally. This broader approach ensures that nothing slips through the cracks, while penetration testing focuses on the critical, high-risk areas identified by EASM.

3. Real-Time Risk Prioritisation: EASM continuously scans for vulnerabilities across an organisation’s digital assets, flagging areas that require immediate attention. This allows organisations to prioritise the most critical risks and act before they become active threats. With the insights from EASM, penetration testing can focus on these high-priority areas, validating and thoroughly investigating vulnerabilities to ensure effective mitigation.

4. Cost Efficiency and Resource Allocation: Regular penetration testing can be resource-intensive, both in terms of cost and the time needed for thorough assessments. EASM acts as a more affordable and scalable way to maintain security hygiene on an ongoing basis, allowing penetration testing to be reserved for targeted, high-value audits and investigations. This combination ensures that resources are used efficiently, without compromising on security.

Proactive Security in a Reactive World

Modern cyber threats move quickly, and attackers are always on the lookout for weaknesses they can exploit. Relying solely on penetration testing, which is typically performed periodically, means that organisations are reacting to risks, often long after they have surfaced. External Attack Surface Management, with its continuous monitoring, shifts this dynamic from reactive to proactive.

Instead of waiting for the next penetration test to uncover issues, EASM ensures that security teams are constantly aware of their attack surface and any emerging threats. This proactive approach means that vulnerabilities are caught and remediated as soon as they appear, leaving fewer opportunities for attackers to gain a foothold.

The Future of Cybersecurity: EASM and Pentesting in Tandem

In the rapidly evolving world of cybersecurity, no single tool or approach can offer complete protection. Organisations need to combine the strengths of various methodologies to stay ahead of attackers. By integrating External Attack Surface Management with traditional penetration testing, organisations can ensure that they have a comprehensive and continuous view of their attack surface, while also benefiting from the expertise and creative problem-solving of manual testing.

The future of cybersecurity lies in this layered approach—combining real-time monitoring with in-depth, human-driven analysis to ensure that organisations are always a step ahead of potential attackers.

Robin Hill

Robin Hill, a co-founder of DarkInvader, brings over 20 years of success in corporate sales, primarily within the enterprise sector. He previously co-founded RandomStorm, a cybersecurity company that was successfully acquired by Accumuli PLC in 2014. Throughout his career, Robin has demonstrated a strong sales focus, driving growth and building lasting client relationships. His deep expertise in sales and his experience leading innovative security firms have positioned him as a key figure in both the business and cybersecurity landscapes.

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