LockBit Ransomware Gang
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September 20, 2024
This blog summarises who the LockBit Ransomware gang are, how they operate and what makes them differ from other cyber gangs.

Who are LockBit?

LockBit is a relatively new Ransomware group that first appeared in 2019. They have been responsible for numerous attacks on large companies and government organisations around the world, and they are known to be highly sophisticated and use advanced techniques to try to evade detection.

What Makes LockBit Different From Other Ransomware Groups?

LockBit differs from other ransomware groups in a number of ways. One significant difference is the way they operate - instead of using a single-stage attack, LockBit uses a multi-stage approach to infect victims. This involves scanning for vulnerable systems and then exploiting these weaknesses before encrypting data on the system. They are also known to use multiple types of malware  in their attacks, such as backdoors and other tools that can be used to gain access to the system.

Another key difference is how LockBit disperses its malware - instead of using an exploit kit or traditional methods, LockBit uses a specially designed peer-to-peer (P2P) network. This means that they are able to spread malicious code quickly and efficiently by using infected nodes on the network to spread the malware.

Finally, LockBit is also known for its aggressive use of encryption and anti-detection measures. They are able to employ a variety of techniques to try and remain undetected, including using custom file names, encrypted files, polymorphic code, and obfuscation methods.

Recent News

The Lock Bit ransomware has emerge as a formidable adversary employing sophisticated techniques to encrypt files, paralyse organisations and hold valuable data hostage with its origins.

This malicious software has evolved into a potential weapon in the hands of cyber criminals.  It is seen as a dangerous ransomware that takes advantage of vulnerable systems to attack them and encrypt their data.

LockBit’s capabilities are not limited to encryption. They have crafted a sophisticated network by which they spread the malware, making it difficult for organisations and individuals to detect its presence until it is too late.


The LockBit ransomware group is a highly sophisticated and dangerous organisation that has caused significant disruption to organisations around the world. They have employed advanced techniques in order to spread their malware and evade detection, making them a formidable opponent for security professionals. It is essential that organisations ensure they are up-to-date on the latest threats posed by ransomware groups such as LockBit  in order to ensure their systems are secure.

Organisations should deploy preventive security measures such as regular patching, user education and awareness training, and always-on monitoring of their networks. Additionally, they should implement a comprehensive backup plan in case of an attack so that if the worst happens they can quickly recover from it. Taking these steps today will help organisations protect themselves from the evolving threats posed by ransomware groups such as LockBit. Here at DarkInvader, we actively scan the public and private web for any mention of your companies domain as well as providing external attack surface management intelligence which helps managers predict, plan and prepare for future security breaches.

Have a listen to our podcast episode below for a more in depth view.

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