Security Strategies
Enhancing Cyber Defence: The Role of External Attack Surface Management
Sam Capper
September 20, 2024
This blog explains the role of External Attack Surface Management (EASM) and how our EASM assessment helps managers predict and plan for future security.

Definition of External Attack Surface Management

External Attack Surface Management refers to monitoring and protecting an organisation's internet-facing assets and digital environment from potential cyber threats. As businesses undergo digital transformation and expand their online presence, the attack surface, or the potential attack vectors that cybercriminals can exploit, also increases. External attack surface management solutions provide security teams with a proactive approach to identify and mitigate vulnerabilities in their external attack surfaces. These solutions employ continuous discovery and monitoring to identify unknown assets and ensure security controls are in place to prevent unauthorised access. By assessing and enhancing the organisation's entire attack surface, security leaders can gain better visibility into potential blind spots and minimise the risk of security incidents.

The Role of External Attack Surface Management in Enhancing Cyber Defence

External Attack Surface Management (EASM) enhances cyber defence by providing comprehensive visibility and control over an organisation's attack surfaces. It enables organisations to manage vulnerabilities and proactively protect their digital assets effectively.

EASM takes an outside-in view of the enterprise, actively identifying and mitigating threats beyond the traditional network perimeter. It goes beyond internal attack surface management to include all internet-facing assets, unknown assets, and potential attack vectors. By continuously monitoring and discovering these assets, EASM ensures that security teams completely understand their attack surface and can implement robust security controls.

The benefits of EASM are manifold. Firstly, it reduces external risk exposure by identifying unauthorised access points and blind spots that could be exploited by cybercriminals. EASM strengthens an organisation's defence against potential attacks by addressing these vulnerabilities. Secondly, it enables a proactive approach to cyber threats by providing real-time visibility into the entire attack surface. This empowers security leaders to prioritise their remediation efforts and allocate resources effectively.

In conclusion, EASM is an essential component of any effective cyber defence strategy. By taking an outside-in view of an organisation's attack surface and actively identifying and mitigating threats, EASM provides comprehensive visibility and control. This enables organisations to proactively manage vulnerabilities, reduce risk exposure, and enhance their cyber defence posture.

5 Key Elements for External Attack Surface Management and Protection

External attack surface management is a critical component of cyber defence, as it enables organisations to identify and protect against potential attack vectors. Here are five key elements for effective external attack surface management and protection:

1. Assessing exposures: The first step in external attack surface management is to thoroughly assess externally-exposed IT assets. This involves identifying all internet-facing assets, including digital assets and cloud infrastructures, to gain a comprehensive understanding of the organisation's attack surfaces. By conducting regular vulnerability assessments and continuous discovery, organisations can identify and address any blind spots that could be exploited by cyber threats.

2. Prioritising risks: Once all potential attack vectors have been identified, it is important to prioritise risks based on their severity and potential impact. By understanding the critical vulnerabilities within the attack surface, organisations can allocate resources and prioritise remediation efforts accordingly. This allows for a more focused and efficient approach to mitigating cyber risks.

3. Operationalising remediation: Identifying vulnerabilities is not enough; organisations need to take swift action to remediate these weaknesses. By operationalising the remediation process, organisations can ensure that identified vulnerabilities are promptly addressed. This involves implementing clear processes and procedures for remediating vulnerabilities and tracking progress to ensure that all risks are properly mitigated.

4. Building strong business and IT relationships: External attack surface management requires close collaboration between various stakeholders, including business units and IT teams. By fostering strong relationships and open communication channels, organisations can ensure that security controls are implemented effectively and in alignment with business goals. This also helps in maintaining awareness of any changes in the digital environment that may impact the attack surface.

5. Continuous execution: External attack surface management is not a one-time activity; it requires continuous monitoring and execution. By adopting a proactive approach and deploying attack surface management tools, organisations can continuously monitor their attack surfaces for any new potential threats. This allows for timely detection and response to security incidents, minimising the organisation's exposure to cyber risks.

Benefits of External Attack Surface Management

External attack surface management plays a crucial role in enhancing cyber defence and protecting organisations from external threats. Businesses can significantly reduce the risk of unauthorised access and potential cyberattacks by systematically identifying and managing their entire attack surface.

One of the primary benefits of external attack surface management is the mitigation of risks from external sources. By conducting continuous monitoring and utilising attack surface management tools, organisations can identify unknown assets and potential attack vectors, allowing them to proactively identify and address security vulnerabilities.

In addition, external attack surface management enables organisations to regularly conduct penetration testing and simulate cyberattacks. This helps organisations assess their security controls, identify blind spots, and ensure their incident response planning is effective. By identifying vulnerabilities and weaknesses beforehand, organisations can develop and implement appropriate threat remediation and mitigation strategies.

Furthermore, external attack surface management provides value to enterprise security and IT teams by offering a broader approach to security. It allows organisations to gain visibility into their digital environment, including their cloud infrastructures and assets, as well as those of their third-party vendors. This comprehensive understanding enables security leaders to make informed decisions and prioritise their remediation efforts effectively.

What are the Main Challenges Around External Attack Surface Mapping?

Mapping the external attack surface of an organisation is a crucial step in enhancing cyber defence. However, there are several challenges that organisations face in this process.

One of the main challenges is the scale and complexity of the organisation's digital footprint. With the advent of digital transformation, organisations now have a vast number of internet-facing assets, both internally and externally, making it difficult to identify and monitor them all. The dynamic nature of these assets further complicates the process, as new assets are constantly being added and existing ones may change or be decommissioned.

Another challenge is the lack of visibility into the organisation's entire attack surface. Many organisations rely on security tools that only provide a limited view of their digital environment, leaving blind spots that cyber attackers can exploit. Without comprehensive visibility, security teams are unable to effectively monitor and protect their assets.

The risks associated with third-party vendors also add to the complexity of attack surface mapping. Organisations often rely on third-party vendors for various services and platforms, which introduces additional potential attack vectors. Managing and securing these relationships requires continuous monitoring and assessment of the third-party's security controls.

Lastly, the evolving threat landscape poses a challenge in mapping the external attack surface. Cyber threats are constantly evolving, and attackers are becoming more sophisticated in their methods. Organisations need to stay ahead of these threats by employing a proactive approach to identify potential vulnerabilities and mitigate them before they can be exploited.

Reduce Your External Risk Exposure

In today's digital landscape, where businesses are undergoing rapid digital transformation, it is crucial for organisations to prioritise cyber defence and reduce their external risk exposure. Attack surface management plays a vital role in achieving this objective by comprehensively identifying and mitigating potential attack vectors.

One of the key elements of attack surface management is continuous monitoring of an organisation's digital environment. By continuously discovering and assessing both known and unknown assets, security teams gain valuable insights into the Internet-facing assets and potential vulnerabilities within their network. This proactive approach enables organisations to promptly address and patch any security gaps and reduce the risk of unauthorised access.

Attack surface management goes beyond internal network monitoring. The process extends to managing third-party vendors and cloud infrastructures, ensuring a broader approach to safeguarding digital assets. By extending security controls to external attack surfaces, organisations can gain visibility into blind spots and potential weaknesses that cyber threats may exploit.

The benefits of gaining attack surface visibility and proactively responding to threats are numerous. Organisations can efficiently allocate resources and prioritise remediation efforts based on the critical vulnerability discovered. With continuous discovery and vulnerability management processes, security leaders can stay informed about the ever-changing threat landscape and implement appropriate mitigation strategies.

View Your Assets the Way Attackers Do

External attack surface management is a critical aspect of enhancing cyber defence for organisations. It involves viewing assets from an attacker's perspective, allowing security teams to identify vulnerabilities and potential attack vectors proactively. By understanding how attackers perceive an organisation's assets, security leaders can develop robust mitigation strategies and enhance cybersecurity defences.

When organisations view their assets through the lens of an attacker, they can uncover unknown and unauthorised access points to their digital environment. This approach is crucial in today's fast-paced digital transformation era, where many digital assets are spread across multiple platforms and infrastructures. By identifying these external attack surfaces, the security team can implement security controls and continuous monitoring to reduce the risk of security incidents.

External attack surface management includes continuous discovery and assessment of internet-facing assets, including cloud infrastructures and those introduced by third-party vendors. By maintaining an up-to-date asset inventory, security leaders gain a comprehensive understanding of the entire attack surface. This broader approach enables a proactive defence strategy, ensuring that blind spots and critical vulnerabilities are detected and addressed promptly.

Having a proactive and continuous external attack surface management solution allows organizations to stay ahead of evolving cyber threats. By viewing assets like attackers do, organisations can strengthen their cyber defences, enhancing their overall security posture in today's increasingly complex threat landscape.

Here at DarkInvader, we provide external attack surface management to help managers predict, plan and prepare for future security breaches. Get in touch with our team today. 

Sam Capper

Sam Capper is an OSINT researcher at DarkInvader, specialising in identifying and analysing public threats to help clients protect their assets through open-source intelligence. With expertise in monitoring digital vulnerabilities and uncovering risks across the surface and deep web, Sam transforms data into actionable insights. Their work ensures businesses stay ahead of emerging threats and maintain a strong security posture in an increasingly complex digital landscape.

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